Sunday, April 22, 2012

Illustration Friday - Heights

The Beanstalk was huge.  Luckily Louisa had a head for heights!

Just a quick one for this week's IF topic, my first in ages.  It's my niece's 8th Birthday today... Happy Birthday Louisa!  She's having a 'climbing' party with her sister Daisy and a few friends, so have fun girls and take care on those beanstalks!


  1. this is sweet and interesting. I would like to see this built up into a narrative sequence

  2. I so love it Moira!! :) ho and you gave her an helmet so she would not hurt herself, that is so very considerate hehe... love the vertical and composition, works beautifully.

  3. This is really cute. Great idea!

  4. Happy happy birthday, Louisa! Oh, this is soooo darling, Moira! I just simply love your work!! And goodness, I checked out your link to your little hedgehog visitor..adorable! Thank you for your very kind visit recently. It means a lot!!

  5. What a fabulous illustration - I've just stumbled on you by chance.....hello!

    Nina x
